easy crispy roasted brussels sprouts

easy crispy roasted brussels sprouts

If you’ve been watching my quarantine cooking adventures on instagram, (which I recommend you do anyways, because I think I have some pretty interesting stuff on there), you’d sense a common theme among what I eat. Namely, I eat a lot of roasted brussels sprouts. This is because I love brussels sprouts. But only when they’re crispy, which means they’re either roasted or fried. But frying brussels sprouts is a lot of work, and a mild safety hazard, with oil frying everywhere and whatnot. But roasting, takes a lot less effort, but you still get that crispy exterior.

There’s also just something about roasting a vegetable and getting them all charred and caramelized and delicious. It’s amazing what a little oil, salt, and pepper and a turn in the oven can totally upgrade a vegetable.


This almost feels like it shouldn’t be a recipe, just because it’s so easy. But in my extensive brussels sprouts-eating, I really believed I’ve stumbled upon the perfect temperature and cooking time, and I just felt like I had to share it with the world. Trust me, this super brief recipe that creates brussels sprouts that are perfectly crispy on the outside, and soft on the inside, every single time.


easy crispy roasted brussels sprouts

serves: 4

cooking time: 15 minutes


  • 1 1/2 pounds brussels sprouts, washed and halved

  • 3 tbs. oil of your choice, preferably one with a high smoking point (I used avocado oil)

  • garlic salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 430ºF.

  2. Toss sprouts in oil and salt and pepper, making sure that all the sprouts are fully coated in oil. This is crucial, or else your sprouts will not be as crispy.

  3. Place all the sprouts cut side down, and roast for 13-15 minutes, or until cut-side of sprouts have achieved a brown, caramelized sear.

  4. Place into serving vessel of your choice and enjoy!